We have been working very hard to put this inaugural event together and we hope you will join this 150 mile journey along the way. There are so many ways to participate as we honor the more than 700 fallen California troops.
A few ideas:
GS Mom Karen
A few ideas:
- Sponsor a flag or flags for fallen troops you know or for one that you do not know.
- You can register to run the last 10K and carry a flag of a fallen to place in our Flag Field of Remembrance at the end of the Run.
- You can stand along the road as the Run Team runs through your city and cheer them on.
- If you cannot make it to the Run, physically, please consider making a donation (all proceeds go to support CA Gold Star Families (families of the fallen)
- Consider a Sponsorship
- If your loved one is a California fallen, please check our Wall of Heroes to see where their Hero Marker is located. (not all Hero Markers are linked yet, but they will be shortly)
- Work with your local community to come out as a group and greet the Run Team as they run through your town.
- If you are associated with a ball team, scouts, etc, gather them to line the road to honor the fallen.
GS Mom Karen